• The conference is free
• Every work should be presented orally
• Each participant can have one oral presentation
• Registration is possible only with abstract
April 15, 2018 Registration and submission of abstract
Regarding Proceedings of BPS, all necessary information (deadline and template) will be decided during the BPS on the basis of the Scientific Board meeting.
• Please upload abstract via the conference web-site during registration using the abstract template.
• Abstract (in English) should not exceed two pages (optimum is one-page abstract) including references.
• Should you wish to amend the already submitted abstract, please send us the new abstract by email to:
Student’s residence Anton Bernolák
Tr. A. Hlinku 38, Nitra
Student’s residence Anton Bernolák is situated within the university campus, about five minutes
walking from Faculty of Engineering (lecture rooms).
Double bed room 12,70 € per person and night
Hotel River****
Nábrežie mládeže 2A, Nitra
Hotel River is situated on the bank of river Nitra, it is about ten minutes walking from the historical
centre of the city and just two minutes from Faculty of Engineering.
Single room 55 € per night
Double bed room 65 € per night
Suite 95 € per night
You can find us on Facebook